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Get your network
elements unbundled

Brightspeed's Unbundled Network Element (UNE) and commercial Network Element products and services are available as piece parts or individual components of the Brightspeed local network. They can be used by facilities-based CLECs to combine with elements of their own networks to construct complete end user-offerings.





Specific equipment and facilities “unbundled” from traditional end-to-end service allow your customers to use Brightspeed’s network and combine with elements of their networks to construct better and more complete end user offerings.


Bridging Gaps

Brightspeed’s UNEs act as a broadband bridge so you can help your customers quickly and affordably fill the gaps in their networks by leasing Brightspeed’s fiber or copper network where they do not have available infrastructure.


Multiple Offerings

Brightspeed offers a variety of UNE services. These include: Loop Service, Enhanced Extended Loop, Number Portability, Port Service and others. Brightspeed can easily link a series of UNEs to one or more facilities for resale.


and specs

  • Fill network gaps
  • Lower costs
  • Favorable lease rates
  • Increased profits

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